Category Archives: Fanart

All fanart related items can be found in here, whether its an addition to the gallery or, if I’ve joined an art challenge or if there is some amazing art that I think the whole world should know about, the kind of things that gets me inspired to do my own work you can find that here.

Happy Halloween

Hey Everyone, Happy Halloween, I hope you all had a great night and got lots of sweeties, I just wanted to  post a quick update, with a gift for everyone just downloaded it and save it to your site if you want it :), I got some wonderful awards from my affiliates: Carmen, FioNat and Ingrid and you can see the gifts here on my awards page,and to tell you all about the wonderful new affiliates I have:

  • Starlight Graphics
  • shiny nickel
  • apple and cinnamon
  • icy afterlife
  • Shotgun Opera

also a few new pieces of artwork, all three created for a challenge at Buffy a challenge called Heatwave, which basically asked for shipping wallpapers, that showed a romantic connection.

Big Icon Post

Hey everyone, its been kind of a busy month for me I’ve posted three time already and its not even November!!! w00t I feel like I’m on a roll, I’m finally getting that buzz back that I used to get when I did art work, its been too long, I just wish I had more time to do the work! but that is me being lazy but its coming along. quite a bit update this weekend, I went through my old Live Journal and downloaded all my old icons, and there was quite a lot of the. well I’ve uploaded them here for you, I have also added new affiliates and new wallpapers. I also have plans for some more HTML/CSS tutorials, I want to do a CSS structure post, and show people a basic PHP include.

Affiliates first:

  • linkloveincognito
  • nyxthea
  • brinneydee
  • confessions
  • staring at the sun
  • witty comeback
  • blurred-mind
  • layout-whore
  • reflection

Icons: Not only have a got loads of the old ones up, but I have also made some new Legend of the Seeker icons from the very first episode. Well lets see, a list of all the old ones

  • 06-02-01-04
  • roswell47
  • maxnlogan2
  • constintine01
  • doc05
  • lost06
  • sailormoon09
  • smallville03
  • lots-ep1-10

Fanart: I have two new pieces of fanart, from a challenge at Buffy Forums, and this challenge is really cool basically to create a wallpaper to do with either fate of connect a character with a star sign, well I’ve done the latter, and I wanna do one for each star sign, I doubt I’ll submit them all, probably wont finish them before the end of the challenge but I want to create all the star signs and here are the two I’ve done so far.

  • Taurus Angel
  • Kahlan Virgo

Immortal Memories SotM Sept

Unfortunately this is almost a week late, I was on holiday last week an although I didn’t go abroad, which I never get to do anyway (*grumble*) I’ve been down south away from my computer so I’m very sorry for the delay but I would love to announce my Site of the Month September 2010 as Immortal Memories, I have been a huge fan of Monica for ages, and her artwork keeps getting better!

Some of you may have seen my Birthday Bundle I put up, I’m keeping an eye on the poll at the bottom of the site, so please keep voting, and this bundle came as a result of the poll, so if you want to download it you can download it here or view the individual downloads in the gallery.

September 2010 Immortal MemoriesReason: I Love Immortal Memories, I have for a very long time, Monica has such a clean and fresh style of fanart, each piece is clear and high quality, the best images with the best textures, I love the crisp feel to her art work. Not only does Monica have an amazing fanart site with helpful donwloads which I have used over the years, but she also has an amazing gallery of images, it is so hard to find quality images especially of TV shows usually they are small or poor screencaps from the tv, [read more]

I have also done a few pieces of art work over the month of August W00t I told you I would lol.

  • Legend of the Seeker
  • Wonderfalls
  • Angel Opening Credits
  • BtVS Opening Credits
  • trueblood-credits

Freebie Pack

Nearly another month since my last update, but this is a special month for me as it is my birthday tomorrow, and I wanted to do something special for elucidation, I see other community sites doing freebies and bundles so I thought I’d make some freebie stuff that people can use, also becuase this month someone opted for freebies on the poll at the bottom of the page.

[5 mb zip file]

In this bundle you get my all time favourite gradients, I have three in this bundle that I have used all the time but I’ve never put them in to a gradient set till now.

– Two tone set which has various tones that fade into a similar tone [view gradient]
– There is also a a HDslr set which are bright red and orange gradients which I have been using to help me recreate HDR style photographs [view gradient]
– And my favourite one which I have called heaven and earth because it combines earth tones and sky tones to bring out the colours in photographs which have both sky and other features in it [view gradient]

I have also added some photographs I have taken of torn paper, I always find it hard to find torn paper that is big enough to fit on my wallpapers, the torn paper in this bundle is very large and maybe a little blurry in section but the size of each piece is at least 1920px in width or height depending on whether it is landscape or portrait which should be big enough for almost all wallpapers (15 photos in total) [view photo set]

and finally I have made some textures out of the paper stock photographs (8 Textures in total) [view texture]

you can download the bundle here or you can have a look at my gallery and download each part individually.

[5 mb zip file]

New Affiliates at Elucidation Art

A quicky update today, I have some wonderful new affiliates that you need to checkout, and some brand new fanart as well.  I wanted to post these affiliates earlier but I didn’t have enough to put into one post so here goes you can view the affiliates here or you can go and see all my affiliates on this page.

  • Surrender Your Soul
  • Faithy's Graphics
  • Daydreaming
  • leavingyoubehind

The brand new fanart; Well I think I might be going over board on the supernatural, but my fear is that I’ll watch up the latest episode and I wont have made any, so you will probably see a lost more fanart in the coming weeks regarding supernatural. but I’ve thrown in a new twilight piece just to mix things up a little bit though.

    Design Decisions

    Oh man, I’ve had last week off work and I worked really hard on a new layout for elucidation art, but you know what!!! I don’t like it now. it took me ages to decided on a design idea I was going to go with a cross over of True Blood and Ats because lets face it True Blood has lots of BtVS and AtS links, biggest one being gorgeous blonde human, and gorgeous brunette vampire so I took those two from each of the shows, Sookie and Angel, they make a really nice couple. But I’m not sure on the design, I think the only way to go is to create a new one and just create the Sookie and Angel background I was using as a wallpaper for the gallery.

    Don’t you just hate it when you work so long on something you really like and then you look at it too long you begin to not like it even before you’ve finished the damn thing lol.

    Also Special thanks to Dana for the Halloween pic

    I’ve added a few items to the gallery you can get to them here via the thumbnails
    One True Blood text, and one Angel True Blood Cross over