
Credit where credit is due

This page is just a list of all the sites I have gotten images, textures, brushes, and other things take a look at them they are great resources and everyone should know about them.

Screencaps and High Quality Images.

This is not a full list I have to go back and see if I can find more sites.

Stock Images

I do use Google some times for smaller images but most of the times I use Stock.xchng

Textures, Gradients, Brushes, and Other Resources

Its not always photographs that make the wallpaper a lost of the work comes from the people who create amazing textures and gradients and other similar things that give the art work the tone and feelings that make them great so a big thank you to the people who make those resources.

Contact Me

If you know I have used something from one of your sites but you aren’t mentioned here, please just drop me a kind note and I will put your link up as soon as possible.