
Holy crap! so many awards!!. If you didn’t know the AFA 2011 ceremony happened a few weeks ago and can I say it was so much fun! I got to talk to people I’ve admired for a long time in the fanart world (all be it online it wasn’t a physical thing) and I also got a lot of fantastic awards! I said something during the ceremony that I think sums up how amazing the awards have been.

its difficult sometimes especially in my job doing art work for really boring things like… wire products (yes I said wire) among other really boring things (I’m sure most of you are in a similar boat), and then come back and work on other art work even if it is enjoyable it can still become a chore doing it all day and evenings, but I have to say the AFA awards have given me such a boost in confidence and drive! and Ehlwyen I’m so glad I got back into Buffy Forums its been such a help for my inspiration and education, I have to say I rely a lot on you guys for inspiration especially with the forum challenges and giving me a reason to keep going with the art work if it wasn’t for Buffy Forums and the community here I probably would have packed it in years ago!!!!

and I’m totally with you Amber there were a few artists I didn’t know about before the AFA such as Xinyi, Sophie, Clement, and JJ to name a few but I’ve saved all their art work and got it on my wallpaper rotator I’m so glad I joined in the AFA this year its been really uplifting and I hope everyone feels the same way. so thank you SayJay for brining us all together and enhancing the already fantastic Buffy Forums Art Community!
Demetreas (aka me)

Not only have I won lets count…:16!!! awards!! I got an email today from SayJay at Radiance a website I’ve stalked for god knows how long and I’ve been.. lol I say I’ve been my site has been awarded site of the month! I just hope everyone knows how much I appreciate the consideration for these awards! and I don’t want it to go to my head but its been a great couple of weeks for me in the art world I just have to keep it up!

Site of the Month July 2011

check out all my amazing awards I received from AFA 2011:

10th Best overall artist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2nd place Vampire group
3rd place Sup/Fan character
4th place Techniques: Text
7th place Sup/Fan episodic
7th place Techniques: Stocks
8th place Celeb: Male
10th place Sci-Fi episodic
10th place Vampire character
10th place Emotions: Drama
14th place Techniques: Colour
RU place Vampire episodic
RU place Emotions: Love
RU place Techniques: Manip

I also wanted to give a little update on what I’ve been working on I noticed I’ve not been doing that lately I’ve just been doing site of the month which is on hold this month as I wanna do more artwork.

  • Echo
  • Sookie & Eric
  • I Am Number 6
  • Bones
  • Demetreas
  • I Wish You Were Here